That's a fact folks, we all grow old as our planet completes another tour around our GV2 class star.
Diadra gave me a rare book of Asikpasazade, "Tevarih-i Al-i Osman"(The History of the Ottomans). It is in Ottoman Turkish Language, thus in Arabic Alphabet. It is dated to 1332. Well, Hegira Calendar of course, no need to have over enthusiasm.
This book had been printed with the reference to the manuscript 478, which is in Istanbul Archaeological Museum. I have an another version of Tevarih-i Al-i Osman in Latin Alphabet (a 2003 publish) and it is based on the manuscript 4954, in Suleymaniye Manuscripts Library.
What I do nowadays is to read two manuscripts and compare them. There are some differences between the two manuscripts; such as place names, some dates and names of some people. I am taking notes while I compare the two manuscripts. Well, maybe someday I will publish it. Or I might romanize the manuscript 478 and publish it with explanatory notes.
Of course, with the prologue with thanks to Diadra... :)
Aaa, ders kitabimiz! Herhalde dunyadaki en fantastik ders kitaplarindandir. Ama sizin kadar sansli degiliz, fotokopilerin fotokopilerinden idare ediyoruz. Bazen fotokopi guzel cekilmemisse kitabin kendisinden de fantastik ifadeler cikabiliyor ortaya. Nuh'u nohud okumak gibi. Kemal Yavuz'un Latin alfabesine aktardigi nushayi ise kullanmamiz yasak. Cedric kusura bakmasin ama ogrenciyseniz ve hocalariniz pain in the ass ise, life sucks.
Ayrica karsilastirmali notlarinizin basilmasini merakla bekliyorum.
Te$ekkur ederim, temebelligimin ustesinden biraz gelebilirsem devam edecegim kar$ila$tirmaya:)
Kemal Yavuz'un nushasi, 478 no'lu el yazmasindan mi aktarilmi$?
Ahahaha, nasil ya? :) Kimsenin o calismaya kadar haberi yokmussa guya 4954 nolu nusha sizde nasil var? Hocalar bizi keklemis mi simdi? Hmm, dur ben yarin derste bi bogazlarina cokeyim sunlarin. (Smells trouble, grins evilly)
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